There have been some changes in interface of new twitter. I will try to briefly and quickly point out them in the new twitter series.

How do you get the new twitter ?

Simple, you don't get the new twitter. New twitter will automatically get you soon. They are crawling all the twitter accounts  gradually. When your account gets crawled you will  see a bar on top of your twitter homepage to get and view the new twitter. Have patience and wait a little.

Retweeting, favoriting or replying a tweet

Every tweet in the new twitter is in a frame separated by a thin line. When you move your mouse pointer to the tweet frame, it gets highlighted by a color change and there appears button links for favoriting, retweeting and replying a tweet.

Just click the favorite button and a half triangle with a star appears in top left corner of the tweet frame indicating that tweet has been favorited

Clicking this button opens a new small window asking you to retweet. Go on. A green half triangle appears in top left corner of the frame to show it has been retweeted.

Click reply to open a new window, type your reply and tweet it.

Tweet information

When you click anywhere in the tweet frame a new big frame appears on right side.
This new frame has the info about the tweet like :
Who retweeted the tweet
Who has been mentioned in the tweet
Other tweets related to the original tweet etc

In this new frame there are also buttons for favouriting, retweeting and replying the tweet. They can also be used for doing the same.

Viewing mentions and retweets

Click @Mentions (below what's happening box)
Click retweets to open a dropdown menu of :
Retweets of others
Retweets by you
Your tweets, retweeted

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