Twitter is bursting, so I thought it would be worth to write a post on introduction of
twitter to help beginners enjoy the twitter universe.

Twitter is a social networking website and is currently ranked 11th on worldwide web. It
is different from other social sites (like facebook, myspace, hi5, orkut). It is precisely put
in category of microblogging social networking websites.
There are interesting limits on how the content is shared via twitter.

To post messages on twitter is known as tweeting. And message is called tweet which
can be of maximum 140 characters (perhaps thats the main reason of its popularity)

To be updated with a twitter user you need to follow that user. Follow me

If you don't want to read updates of an user you are following, unfollow them

Users following a partcular twitter user. Followers count is numbers of those users

Followings (or Friends)
Users that are followed by a specific user. Following counts is numbers of those users

Follow back
Action of following a user who is already following you. i.e. following each other

Real time view of tweets posted by all the users that you are following

@Replies (or Mentions)
Tweets mentioning a user. Its syntax is @username. Single tweet can have multiple
mentions but limited by 140 char limits. This tweet is publicly viewable

Direct Messages (DMs)
A tweet sent specifically sent to a user. It is only possible if that user is following you.
This tweet is private and can only be viewed by that user.

Retweet (RT)
Tweeting another user's tweet is called retweeting. A tweet can be retweeted by any
number of users. It is seen as a sign of that tweet's popularity.

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